We have informed 62 public and private companies in the Cluj community about the different types of addictions, awareness about alcoholism and intervention strategies for recovery. Alcoholism at work was the theme of a conference where we also discussed about the ways of detecting the problem and about intervention. Employee assistance methods were addressed at another conference attended by 71 people, in particular the HR departments of the companies involved in the project, trade union leaders and socio-medical staff. 5 companies with more than 50 employees signed up voluntarily in a 9-month pilot program on early intervention for employees with alcohol and drug problems. 966 employees of these companies were informed in 18 sessions about: alcohol dependence, addiction as a disease, addiction and family etc. 118 people were evaluated for alcohol and other substances, and 27 of them received individual and group counseling. Also, 11 people participated in Alcoholic Anonymous meetings and received monitoring and post-treatment services.
Executive AgencyChristian and Medical Charity Association "CHRISTIANA" - Cluj branchPartnersThe Romanian Association for Addiction Counselors (A.R.C.A.)Contract NumberCSS 26ComponentSocialCountyClujImplementation areaLocalThematic areaSocio-medical ServicesImplementation period01.09.2013 – 31.08.2014Budget of the project (CHF)80,361Swiss Contribution (CHF)70,975Project websiteN/AExecutive Agency websitewww.christianacluj.ro