We obtained the operating authorization from Ghimbov City Hall and the status of protected unit from the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Justice. 15 people, including 3 vulnerable (1 person with disability and 2 persons living in poverty and with a mild intellectual disability), have been qualified as tailors through an authorized CNFPA course. In addition, we created jobs within the protected facility for the 3 vulnerable individuals qualified in the course. We also organized 4 staff training sessions to implement solutions, training and personal development programs, supported by Swiss partner experts, attended by 17 people.
Executive AgencyFoundation for Abandoned ChildrenPartnersVerein zur Unterstutzung verlassener Kinder in Rumanien, Switzerland | Stiftung Wendepunkt, SwitzerlandContract NumberPF 08ComponentPartnershipsCountyBrașovImplementation areaLocalThematic areaSocio-medical ServicesImplementation period01.07.2013-31.07.2015Budget of the project (CHF)103,638Swiss Contribution (CHF)93,228Project websitehttp://www.atelierdiversis.ro Executive Agency websitepentrucopiiabandonati.ro