Patients with incurable diseases in Braşov County, as well as their families, have been advised through a non-stop helpline. Nurses with experience in palliative care along with on-call doctors have provided qualified advice to manage uncontrolled common symptoms in such conditions (pain, lack of air etc.) in order to adapt care methods to the patient’s current needs and treatment. During the first 10 months, the pilot service was used by over 1,500 people.
Executive AgencyHospice Casa Sperantei FoundationPartnersN/AContract NumberCSS 09ComponentSocialCountyBrașovImplementation areaNationalThematic areaSocio-medical ServicesImplementation period01.08.2013 – 30.11.2014Budget of the project (CHF)74,901Swiss Contribution (CHF)66,665Project websiteN/AExecutive Agency
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