During the project period, we have implemented a strategy through which we promoted alternatives to fishing to improve the conservation status of the marine species of the Black Sea from the Romanian seaside. In this respect, 50 fishermen and 50 tour operators have been trained on the need to protect the three dolphin species in the Black Sea and on the possibilities to observe dolphins including practical demonstrations at sea. We have informed 3.093 people about the importance of dolphins and the need to protect the Natura 2000 sites on the Black Sea coast, but also the benefits of these activities. We have also trained 200 students about the biology, ethology and ecology of the three dolphin species from the Black Sea and about the benefits of dolphin watching on local communities. We have developed a guide on this topic that has been used to train and inform beneficiaries. Also in this context, we have produced a documentary film that was broadcast on 2 national TV channels and an international one, and is available on DVD as well. Within the project, we have developed 4 tourism packages for tour operators, which were presented to the general public with the occasion of 2 tourism fairs. Dolphin watching activities are promoted on a website created through the project. As a result of this initiative, 3 fishermen have already begun to provide dolphin watching services to tourists.
Executive AgencyThe Oceanographic Exploration and Marine Environment Protection Society OCEANIC - ClubPartnersN/AContract NumberCSM 02ComponentEnvironmentCountyConstanțaImplementation areaRegionalThematic areaSustainable rural developmentImplementation period15.07.2013-31.03.2015Budget of the project (CHF)78,500Swiss Contribution (CHF)70,650Project websitewww.oceanic.roExecutive Agency websiteN/A