Green jobs in green destinations - increasing the quality of ecotourism products and destinations for higher performance in sustainable development in Romania
The project had a significant impact on the concept of tourism destination. We managed to introduce the occupation of tourism destination manager in the COR (Classification of Occupation in Romania), we developed the Occupational Standard, the general methodology and the learning plan of the tourism destination manager course. 21 people have developed their knowledge in tourism management based on Swiss experience. 11 people participated in an exchange of experience in which they had the opportunity to learn about ecotourism practices developed in Switzerland. The acquireded experiences have been gathered in 6 good practice guides for basic ecotourism activities. The concept of ecotourism has been promoted in 7 different events organized in the country (Bucharest Bicycle Salon, Bookfest, Strada București etc).
Executive AgencyPropark Foundation for Protected AreasPartnersInternational Commission for the Protection of the Alps in Switzelrand (CIPRA Schweiz)Contract NumberPF 18ComponentPartnershipsCountyBrașovImplementation areaNationalThematic areaAdvocacyImplementation period01.04.2015 - 31.08.2017Budget of the project (CHF)273,713Swiss Contribution (CHF)245,913Project websiteN/AExecutive Agency
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