Creșterea implicării în protecția mediului prin implementarea unei stații experimentale pentru reciclarea materialelor plastice în vederea producerii de filament pentru imprimarea 3D/Rec-o-Plast
We designed and built an experimental station for recycling plastic materials into a filament that can be used in 3D printing. The station was made both in fixed form for the organization’s workshop and in the mobile form, for high school courses. During the project, volunteers collected 150 kg of plastic, which will be gradually recycled into the filament for 3D printing and will be made available to the stakeholders. 266 high school students from disadvantaged cities were trained in the use of the experimental station and were informed about the recycling of plastic into filament used in 3D printing together with 79 other students and 57 business representatives, who were also informed. We also organized 2 open doors type events, during which we interacted with about 125 people, who learned about both the organization’s activity and the project, namely the plastic recycling technique.
Executive AgencyCultura Verde AssociationPartnersN/AContract NumberCSM 19ComponentEnvironmentCountyBucharestImplementation areaRegionalThematic areaManagementul deșeurilorImplementation period01.02.2016-31.03.2017Budget of the project (CHF)73,255Swiss Contribution (CHF)65,930Project websiteN/AExecutive Agency
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