The project aimed at raising the level of independent living skills of a group of 31 children with disabilities from the Center for Recovery and Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities of SOS Copiii Gorjului Foundation in Târgu Jiu. During the project, the children participated in sessions for the development of the following skills: self-service (63), hygienic-sanitary (55), self-care (55), cooking (68), home care (68), group communication (43) and outside the group communication (28) skills, socializing in closed public spaces (31), socializing in outdoor public spaces (35). At the same time, 30 parents participated in a series of theoretical and practical training sessions on the topic concerning the development of independent living skills in children with disabilities, 71 parents were informed and 90 family members with children with disabilities benefited from psycho-emotional assistance through family and individual counseling on different pathologies of children with disabilities. In order to better integrate children with disabilities, 226 children with typical development participated in activities with a part of the children with disabilities.
Executive Agency S.O.S Copiii Gorjului FoundationPartnersN/AContract NumberCSS 30ComponentSocialCountyHunedoaraImplementation areaLocalThematic areaSocio-medical ServicesImplementation period15.11.2013 – 14.01.2015Budget of the project (CHF)82,667Swiss Contribution (CHF)74,400Project websiteN/AExecutive Agency websitewww.copiiigorjului.ro