Throughout the project, we organized 3 editions of the “Academia Sighișoara” festival. We are talking about an international festival and, at the same time, about a summer academy for young musicians from all over the world, a meeting and experience exchange place, a platform for contemporary art in Romania. The Sighisoara Music Academy has developed masters courses for instrumental and chamber music, with a focus on stimulating contemporary creation and its interpretation. We also organized a series of courses dedicated to Alexander’s famous technique of mental and physical energy integration, particularly necessary for professional music practitioners, but very little known in Romania. The Sighisoara Music Academy is held in summer, but concerts and recitals were organized all year round in Sighișoara, Cluj-Napoca and other cities. Also thanks to the project, the “Gheorghe Dima” Academy of Music had the opportunity to purchase instruments and equipment, especially the hardest to find, such as old instruments or a piano-forte.
Executive AgencyMusic Academy "Gheorghe Dima" Cluj-NapocaPartnersCultura Viva Sighisoara Association, SwitzerlandContract NumberPF 11ComponentPartnershipsCountyClujImplementation areaLocalThematic areaCultureImplementation period01.10.2013-30.09.2016Budget of the project (CHF)293,986Swiss Contribution (CHF)249,868Project websiteN/AExecutive Agency