The project proposed the development and promotion of aquaponic technology as a sustainable and efficient resource in rural and urban areas in Romania. The project marked the beginning of the implementation of aquaponic technology by creating a unique logical system in Romania that promotes aquaponics and coordinates the development of the field professionally. Among the most important achievements there is the creation of the first national centers for the dissemination of aquaponic technology in Romania. In this sense, we have built a greenhouse with a larger aquaponics system in Bucharest and 2 smaller, educational ones in Miercurea Ciuc and Năsăud. The 3 dissemination centers were visited by over 150 people and were promoted in the printed and audiovisual media. 102 people acquired knowledge about aquaponics through 3 workshops organized together with Swiss partner. In addition, we disseminated information about different techniques and practices related to aquaponics through 4 issues of the Romanian Aquaponics Magazine. We launched an e-learning platform that includes a beginner’s aquaponics course consisting of 10 video-animated lessons and a test for verifying students’ knowledge, and the Swiss partner ZHAW has developed a mid-level aquaponics course, which can be found on its website.
Executive AgencyInstitute for Research and Development for Capitalization and Marketing of the Horticultural Products (HORTING)PartnersSchool of Life Sciences and Facility management (ZHAW)Contract NumberPF 19ComponentPartnershipsCountyBucharestImplementation areaRegionalThematic areaSustainable rural developmentImplementation period01.04.2015 - 15.12.2017Budget of the project (CHF)296,013Swiss Contribution (CHF)249,982Project websitewww.aqua-rom.roExecutive Agency